REFLECTIONS 🙄: A grateful heart -the antidote for resolving problems
December 26, 2021

REFLECTIONS 🙄: A grateful heart -the antidote for resolving problems


December 26, 2021

A grateful heart -the antidote for resolving problems
2 Corinthians 2:14
Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place.

According to the verse above, God always causes us to triumph. If we are to have the mindset or attitude that every challenge will eventually lead to victory, most of are problems will be solved easily.

Jesus had the habit of giving thanks in difficult situations and it always led to victory. In John 6:1-12. Jesus feeds five thousand people with five loaves and two pieces of fish. How did He do it?

He knew the bread and fish was not enough for five thousand people so, He first took the food and gave thanks (John 6:11), then He distributed it and it was more than enough.

As we enter 2022 let’s have this mentality, if I can thank God for victory in situations that look impossible in my school work, career and ministry , then all will be well.

There is a song that says:
A grateful heart
Full of Thanksgiving
Overcoming every problem
Begins with a thankful heart

The road to victory in 2022 involves a continuously grateful heart or continuous appreciation for God’s ability to resolve issues.
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. Reflect over events in 2021. Can you do a better job if you are grateful to God for every little blessing and breakthrough?

Let this be your confession

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the holy one
Give thanks because He has given
Jesus Christ His Son
And now let the weak say
I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for me
Give thanks

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson

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