REFLECTIONS 🙄| November 1, 2024
November 1, 2024
It shall be permanent!!
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away
“It shall be permanent” means it will last forever. It will never change
The verse above says the words of the Lord or the Lord’s promises will never pass away.
This is very reassuring to know. It means
– As 1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness
This promise remains true forever
,- Ephesians 3:20 says God is able to do much ,much more than we can ever ask or think. He can do more than our wildest imagination
This promise also remains true forever
Dear student, worker and ambassador of Christ, God’s promise to give you success ( Deuteronomy 28:13) by making you the head and not the tail in your
– Studies
– Career
– Ministry
Remains true forever provided you obey His commandments
It does not matter the number of challenges you encounter, you can still be the head if you continue to put all your trust in God
God be with you
Suggestions for success
1. Pray for grace and strength to excel in all you do.
Song for meditation
Let this song be your confession and prayer
It shall be permanent
It shall be permanent
What the Lord has done for me
It shall be permanent
French version
Il existe toujours
Il existe toujours
Ce que Mon Dieu fait pour moi
Il existe toujours
By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson