REFLECTIONS 🙄,[God works in mysterious ways]
September 17, 2021

REFLECTIONS 🙄,[God works in mysterious ways]


September 17,2021

God works in mysterious ways
Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways , and my thoughts than your thoughts.

There is a hymn that says
God works in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.

The hymn above says God works in mysterious ways. We as humans see God as working in mysterious ways because like the verse above says, His thoughts are not like our thoughts and His ways are not like ours.

There is one story in the bible in the book of Joshua where an account is given about how the walls of Jericho came down. God told them to march around the wall each day for seven days. On the seventh day , they were to walk round seven times. For the first six they were to march around quietly but on the seventh round they were to give a mighty shout and the walls came tumbling down.

I am sure Joshua, the people of Israel and the people of Jericho found this instruction and procedure absurd but when they obeyed the walls fell flat.

You may be in a season of your school life, work life and ministry work where nothing seems to be yielding the results you desire or expect. Pray, be still, stay calm and do your best in spite of the discouraging results.

There is another hymn that says:

Be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain
Leave to thy Lord to order and provide
In every change
He faithful will remain
Be still my soul, thy best, thy heavenly friend
Through thorny ways
Leads to a joyful end
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. To improve your school work, pray and consult a senior who does the same course for advice.
2. To improve your output at work, pray, read from the internet and consult experts in the field.
3. To make you more effective as a minister of God, pray, consult older men or women of God who have been in ministry for a long time.

Father, help me to obey your word and directions at all times no matter what I think. Amen.

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson

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