REFLECTIONS 🙄: Call on the Lord
October 22, 2021

REFLECTIONS 🙄: Call on the Lord


October 22, 2021

Call on the Lord
Jeremiah 33:3
Call unto me, I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not

God says in the verse above that when we call unto Him, He will answer and show us great and mighty things we do not know.

This brings to mind an account in Numbers 20 when Moses spoke to God about a problem and God gave directions on how to resolve it. He applied the directions given and the problem was resolved.

In my opinion, Moses was one of the greatest leaders that ever lived. He knew and accepted God had called him and given him a task he could not complete on his own. He knew his terms of reference. Whenever there was a problem He called on God first, not his elder brother Aaron who God had given as his helper or his father in-law Jethro (Exodus 18:1-27) who had once helped him solve a problem.

There was no water in the camp of the Israelites and the people were complaining as always instead of turning to God in prayer. Moses called unto the Lord and He answered by giving him instructions, take a rod, gather the people together before the rock, strike it twice and water will come out (Numbers 20:8-11) Moses obeyed and they had water in abundance.

When you are faced with a challenging situation, do not turn to the elders in your family or experts in the field related to you problem first. Call unto the Lord first and He will give you directions. You may not hear an audible voice like Moses did. After praying you can turn to the word or bible for further directions. Then you can talk to elders and experts.

In James 5:14-18 for instance, we are given directions on what to do when someone is sick. There are directions on what to do when other issues
of life come up. Find a bible concordance or use as a guide.
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. As you get ready to rest from your labors this weekend, take stock on what happened during the week. Which areas do you need directions? Identify these areas pray, and search the word for directions on what to do. Apply the directions and God will make a way.

Lord, make away, where there seems to be no way

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson