REFLECTIONS 🙄: Wait for the Lord
November 12, 2021

REFLECTIONS 🙄: Wait for the Lord


November 12, 2021

Wait for the Lord
Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thy heart: wait I say, on the Lord.

Waiting for the Lord, in my opinion means waiting in prayer, confession of the word and thanksgiving, till the Lord moves on your behalf.

Courage is the ability to control fear when facing danger or pain.

The Psalmist is asking us to take courage whilst waiting for the move of God because sometimes circumstances look threatening and you feel you have to do something.

In 1 Samuel 13:9-10,. King Saul was supposed to wait for the Prophet Samuel to offer a sacrifice. The Prophet delayed, seven days and Saul disobeyed by offering the sacrifice himself, as soon he finished the Prophet arrived.

In the example given above, Saul did not take courage, as the Prophet delayed and his men were scattering disobeyed God because of fear.

You might be short of provisions or groceries in school. The use of phones in some boarding schools is not allowed. You are hungry and you waited for a visit that would bring you what you need. No one is coming, what do you do?

You have an assignment at work, you need materials from your suppliers to complete the order before the deadline. The materials are delaying and the deadline is approaching. What do you do?

Remember that God is faithful and would not let you down, He says He will never leave or forsake us (Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5). We should also bear in mind that whatever He promises is for an appointed time(Habakkuk 2:3).
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. If you are having any challenges at school, at work or in your ministry as a christian, remember to pray and wait patiently for God to move on your behalf.

This should be your prayer and song

I do not mind waiting
I do not mind waiting
I do not mind waiting on the Lord.

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson