Let it rain!! [ June 9, 2023 ]
Let it rain!! [ June 9, 2023 ]
Let it rain!!
Malachi 3:10-12
Bring the tithe and offerings into my storehouse ……I will open the windows of heaven and pour down blessings…
“Let it rain” is a cry unto God to send spiritual rain. The rain of heaven or spiritual rain comes to purify and cleanse our lives and then to bless us.
The passage above shows us how to cause God send us spiritual rain. We need to pay our tithes and offerings and give to promote the gospel.
In the days of Noah God sent down rain to destroy the earth and cleanse it from all wickedness and evil. God spared only those in the ark with Noah ( Genesis 6:9- 9:17)
God sends spiritual rain always to cleanse. There are other examples in the bible like story of the man who built his house on the rock and the one who built on sand in the new testament.
Matthew 7:24-26
The wise man built his house on a rock. The rains came ddownand the floods came up, but the house stood firm.
This passage from the new testament seeks to teach us about how to live our lives. Those who give their lives to God and give to promote the gospel build their lives on the rock and no storm or spiritual rain can destroy it.
Learn to give generously to promote the gospel and God will “Let it rain in your life” to cleanse you and bless you abundantly.
God be with you
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Give generously for the work of God
Let this song be your prayer
Baaba we are in your presence
Let it rain
Pour your rain
Let it fall me
Open the floodgates in abundance
And causeyour rain fall on me
Open the floodgates in abundance
And cause your rain to fall on me.