Speak the truth in love [November 6,2022 ]
Speak the truth in love [November 6,2022 ]
Speak the truth in love
Zechariah 8:16
These are the things that ye shall do; speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgement of truth and peace in your gates
Sometimes it is difficult to tell your neighbor the truth about him or her because:
– It would give the person a bloated image
– It might discourage him or her
-It would disgrace the person
In Romans 7:19 & 24 the Apostle Paul says
Wretched man that I am. The good I want to do I cannot do. I rather do the evil I do not want to do.
That is the truth about most of us but the verse from Zechariah says we should tell the truth in love one to another because it will make us better people. It will help us improve the good things and turn away from the things that do not glorify God.
Ephesians 4:25
Wherefore putting away lying, speak everyman truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.
This verse from the new testament also encourage us to tell the truth one to another because we all belong to one family, the kingdom of God and it will help us glorify God.
Do not gossip about your friends’ mistakes to disgrace him or her. Tell the person the truth, help the person change so that together we can glorify God.
God be with you
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Speak the truth in love
Meditate on the words of this song ( Sunday School song)
Do no sinful action
Speak no angry words
We belong to Jesus
Children of the Lord
Christ was kind and gentle
Christ was pure and true
And His little children
Must be Holy too